glorious morning

Glorious Morning

Of thinking

and believing

I have had enough.

Today, this glorious


the perceiver, and

the perceived


I pierce the mechanical

thinking beast

who feeds off

my wanting

and trying.

I am the help I have been dying for.

The feeling of longing,

I hold closer than

my breath

The feeling of pain,

I hold closer than

my breath.

Be with your longing

Don’t give it away.

Hold it close.

Close your authentic

self around

your longing.

Listen without

a need to hear.

A different sound within your voice,


It can be difficult.

But it feels right.

Don’t give your longing a face,

a name, a time

a place.

Be the longing

Be grateful.

Many, most have no

idea of what I speak of…

Something to have,

someone to hold.

A vision to entertain.

A dream upon the breeze.

Be the longing

don’t give it away.

It is you, your voice within,

calling, hold it close.

Be with your longing.

Close your authentic self

around your longing

Listen without

a need to hear.

Within your voice

a different sound calling.

Reach me perceiver.

Deep within, teach

the perceived.

Ahh, only fear dies!

Poem by Ray Songs (1995)