Spill my Blood on the walls of those dying to be true

Spill My Blood on the Walls of Those Dying to Be True

As a night of lovin

becomes a night of lovin

As the smoothness of sand,

descends into the glass blower’s breath.

Your face, alone

with the night,


I have note seen it

but I have seen myself seeing this,

and that is

enough, for now.

For what is,

is best.

The longing

mingled with

not longing

Little things

grand and small

bring the sweetness

of cosmic life.

Never in truth

has the moment

become the moments.

A single tear

from the well of wanting

can spoil a thousand

buckets of becoming.

But nothing can touch being.

Only thought!?

No, thought,

only things it can.

Would I leave this place,

where the shovel

awaits the digging.

There are only rocks,

rocks, covered by rocks,

covered by the sins of the father

and the father’s father.

They are only rocks

till you move them

Then they become

the corner stones

of vision

the foundations

of wisdom

the beginning of purpose

The movement of love

in this God-filled existence.

Wait not in the hole

from which the cornerstones

were quarried,

but rightly

and humbly majestic

atop them.

Let stillness be the mortar

between your stones.

And let the space

between your walls

your ceiling, your floors

be filled with this

substantial, sacred, nothing.

I cannot give you more

than I have freed myself from.

In truth

I want you

to have none of what

I have freed myself from

but all of that which has

freed me,

beyond, before, and as I am.

Woman! Spill my blood

on the walls of those

dying to be true.

My sweet innocence

awaits my strength.

A love like this,

a love like this!

This love

no longer awaits me.

It is me!

It is me!

And it is me

lovin you.

Poem by Ray Songs

Title & Verse “Spill my Blood on the Walls of those Dying to be True” by Suzanne Stokes